To determine the antagonist activity of ab118177, serial dilutions of the agonist was added to wells with or without ab118177. The agonist Ca++ response in the absence or presence of ab118177 was determined by exciting at 340nm and 380 nm and ratioing the fluorescence intensity of Fura-2 signal collected at 320 nm. The apparent KD was calculated from the rightward shift of the agonist response curve in the presence of ab118177, compared to the response curve for the agonist alone. KD values Antagonist –log; KD values 5-HT1A 8.75: 5-HT2A 6.34

To determine the antagonist activity of ab118177, serial dilutions of the agonist was added to wells with or without ab118177. The agonist Ca++ response in the absence or presence of ab118177 was determined by exciting at 340nm and 380 nm and ratioing the fluorescence intensity of Fura-2 signal collected at 320 nm. The apparent KD was calculated from the rightward shift of the agonist response curve in the presence of ab118177, compared to the response curve for the agonist alone. KD values Antagonist –log; KD values 5-HT1A 8.75: 5-HT2A 6.34

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