Active human MMP1 full length protein

Name Active human MMP1 full length protein
Supplier Abcam
Catalog ab124850
Category Protein
Prices $192.00
Sizes 10 µg
Applications SDS-PAGE FA
Species Reactivities Human
Nature Recombinant
Source HEK 293 cells
Tag/Conjugation His tag C-Terminus
Purity > 95 % by SDS-PAGE. ab124850 is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques and 0.2µm sterile filtered.
Bioactivity The activity was measured by its ability to cleave a fluorogenic peptide substrate Mca-KPLGL-Dpa-AR-NH2. The specific activity is > 400 pmoles/min/µg.
SwissProt/Accession P03956
Gene MMP1
Residue 1 to 469
Sequence Belongs to the peptidase M10A family. Contains 4 hemopexin-like domains.
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