Human MMP1 full length protein

Name Human MMP1 full length protein
Supplier Abcam
Catalog ab39301
Category Protein
Applications WB SDS-PAGE
Species Reactivities Human
Nature Native
Source Native
Bioactivity ab39301 is a true collagenase, and along with MMP8 and MMP13 can cleave all three strands of intact native collagen. Unlike MMP2 (Type IV Collagenase, Gelatinase A), MMP1 is not usually constitutively produced. When MMP1 production is stimulated, native MMP inhibitors (TIMPs) usually follow to quench them.
SwissProt/Accession P03956
Gene MMP1
Sequence Belongs to the peptidase M10A family. Contains 4 hemopexin-like domains.
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