Gene Symbol LHX2
Entrez Gene 9355
Alt Symbol LH2, hLhx2
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description LIM homeobox 2
Other Description LIM HOX gene 2|LIM homeobox protein 2|LIM/homeobox protein Lhx2|homeobox protein LH-2
Swissprots Q52M57 P50458 Q8N1Z3 O95860
Accessions EAW87576 EAW87577 P50458 AK027597 BAG51357 AK094511 BAC04371 BC034458 BC093662 AAH93662 BC112185 AAI12186 EU446687 ABZ92216 U11701 AAB08752 XM_006717323 XP_006717386 XM_011519203 XP_011517505 NM_004789 NP_004780
Function Acts as a transcriptional activator. Stimulates the promoter of the alpha-glycoprotein gene. Transcriptional regulatory protein involved in the control of cell differentiation in developing lymphoid and neural cell types (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Subcellular Location Nucleus {ECO:0000305}.

LHX2-Over-expression-Lysate - LY10586a from Abgent, a WuXi AppTec company

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $325.00
Sizes 100 µg
Western blot analysis of his-tag LHX2 (arrow) using his tag antibody. 293 cell lysates (2 ug/lane) either nontransfected (Lane 1) or transiently transfected with the LHX2 gene (Lane 2, Cat. #LY10586a).

LHX2 293 Cell Lysate - 401365 from ABBIOTEC

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $392.00
Sizes 100 µg

LHX2 Overexpression Lysate (Native) - NBL1-12514 from Novus Biologicals

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $329.00
Sizes 100 µg
Western Blot: LHX2 Overexpression Lysate (Adult Normal) [NBL1-12514] Left-Empty vector transfected control cell lysate (HEK293 cell lysate); Right -Over-expression Lysate for LHX2.

LHX2 (h): 293T Lysate - sc-369906 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $205.00
Sizes 100 µg/200 µl
Species Human

LHX2 Over-expression Lysate Product - GWB-5DD05E from Genway Biotech

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $346.00
Sizes 100 µg
Species Human

Panoply™ Human LHX2 Knockdown Stable Cell Line - CSC-DC008687 from Creative biogene

Category Cell Line
Species Human
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