
Gene Symbol Atf3
Entrez Gene 11910
Alt Symbol LRG-21
Species Mouse
Gene Type protein-coding
Description activating transcription factor 3
Other Description cAMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-3|cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-3|transcription factor LRG-21
Swissprots Q60765
Accessions EDL12999 Q60765 AB291912 BAF96749 AK133965 BAE21958 AK156786 BAE33854 AK217100 AY329367 AAP92420 BC019946 AAH19946 BC064799 AAH64799 BE199676 CT010291 CAJ18499 D50524 BAA09095 U19118 AAB48941 NM_007498 NP_031524
Function This protein binds the cAMP response element (CRE) (consensus: 5'-GTGACGT[AC][AG]-3'), a sequence present in many viral and cellular promoters. Represses transcription from promoters with ATF sites. It may repress transcription by stabilizing the binding of inhibitory cofactors at the promoter (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Subcellular Location Nucleus.
Top Pathways HTLV-I infection

SimpleChIP ® Mouse ATF-3 Intron 1 Primers - 13059 from Cell Signaling Technology

Category ChIP Kit
Prices $102.00
Sizes 500 µl (250 PCR reactions)
SimpleChIP ® Mouse ATF-3 Intron 1 Primers were tested on DNA isolated from cross-linked cells using the SimpleChIP ® Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kit (Magnetic Beads) #9003. Real-time PCR was performed in duplicate on a serial dilution of 2% total input DNA (20 ng, 4 ng, 0.8 ng, and 0.16 ng) using a real-time PCR detection system and SYBR ® Green reaction mix. The PCR amplification efficiency (E) and correlation coefficient (R 2 ) were calculated based on the corresponding threshold cycle (C T ) of each dilution sample during 40 cycles of real-time PCR (95°C denaturation for 15 sec, 65°C anneal/extension for 60 sec).

Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3), Mouse, ELISA Kit - SEC303Mu from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $740.00
Sizes 96 t
Sensitivity 0.063ng/mL
Range 0.156-10ng/mL

Activating Transcription Factor 3, Mouse, ELISA Kit - E03A0533 from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $535.00, $735.00
Sizes 48 t, 96 t
Sensitivity 0.1ng/mL
Range 0.5-10ng/ml

Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-3 (ATF3), Mouse, ELISA Kit - E03C1197 from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $535.00, $735.00
Sizes 48 t, 96 t

Mouse ATF3 ELISA Kit - MA0540 from NeoScientific

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $495.00
Sizes 96 t

Mouse Activating Transcription Factor 3 ELISA - E03A0533 from BlueGene Biotech

Category ELISA Kit
Sensitivity 0.1ng/mL

Mouse Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3) ELISA Kit - EKU02105 from Biomatik

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $756.00, $3,326.00, $6,048.00
Sizes 96 t, 5x96t, 10x96t
Sensitivity 0.058 ng/mL
Range 0.156-10 ng/mL

Mouse ATF3 ELISA Kit - abx153682 from Abbexa

Category ELISA Kit
Sensitivity 0.066 ng/ml
Range 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml

Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3), Mouse, ELISA Kit - DL-ATF3-Mu from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $685.00
Sizes 96 t
Range 0.156-10 ng/mL

Mouse ATF3 ELISA Kit - abx571201 from Abbexa

Category ELISA Kit
Sensitivity 0.063 ng/ml
Range 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml

Mouse Atf3 ELISA Kit - E042604 from Biobool

Category ELISA Kit

ATF3 ELISA Kit (Mouse) (OKDD00746) - OKDD00746 from Aviva Systems Biology

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $590.00
Sizes 96 wells
Sensitivity <0.063ng/mL
Range 0.156-10 ng/mL

Mouse ATF3 ELISA Kit - EMA0540 from ABclonal

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $495.00
Sizes 96 t

Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3), ELISA Kit - MBS450690 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $425.00, $560.00, $2,480.00, $4,820.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells
Sensitivity <0.063ng/mL
Range 0.156-10ng/mL
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