
Gene Symbol Gabarapl1
Entrez Gene 57436
Alt Symbol 3110025G09Rik, 9130422N19Rik, AI196471, Apg8l, Atg8l, GECI, MNCb-0091
Species Mouse
Gene Type protein-coding
Description gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor-associated protein-like 1
Other Description GABA(A) receptor-associated protein like 1|GABA(A) receptor-associated protein-like 1|GEC-1|gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein-like 1|glandular epithelial cell protein 1
Swissprots Q9JJ97 Q3TJB9 Q3TG14 Q3TXZ5 Q8R3R8
Accessions EDK99932 EDK99933 EDK99934 Q8R3R8 AB041648 BAA95100 AF180518 AAK16236 AK006103 AK011975 BAB27950 AK014083 BAB29146 AK015049 BAB29690 AK018687 BAB31345 AK159015 BAE34769 AK167500 BAE39576 AK168921 BAE40734 AK182413 AK186960 AK191751 AK214264 BC004602 AAH04602 BC024706 AAH24706 NM_020590 NP_065615
Function Ubiquitin-like modifier that increases cell-surface expression of kappa-type opioid receptor through facilitating anterograde intracellular trafficking of the receptor. Involved in formation of autophagosomal vacuoles. Whereas LC3s are involved in elongation of the phagophore membrane, the GABARAP/GATE-16 subfamily is essential for a later stage in autophagosome maturation (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Subcellular Location Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton {ECO:0000250}. Cytoplasmic vesicle membrane {ECO:0000250}; Lipid-anchor {ECO:0000250}. Endoplasmic reticulum {ECO:0000250}. Golgi apparatus {ECO:0000250}. Cytoplasmic vesicle, autophagosome {ECO:0000250}.
Tissue Specificity Expressed in testis and heart at high levels. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11414770}.
Top Pathways GABAergic synapse, Regulation of autophagy

GABA (A) receptor-associated protein like 1, ELISA Kit - MBS9332687 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $435.00, $600.00, $2,650.00, $5,205.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Mouse Gabarapl1 ELISA Kit - E053725 from Biobool

Category ELISA Kit
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