Gene Symbol WNT10A
Entrez Gene 80326
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10A
Other Description protein Wnt-10a
Swissprots Q9H7S8 Q96TA7 Q53S44 Q9GZT5
Accessions AAG45153 AAY24175 CAI38654 EAW70659 Q9GZT5 AB059569 BAB55602 AK024363 BAB14898 AK315081 BAG37548 AY009400 AAG38660 BC003544 AAH03544 BC034352 AAH34352 BC040026 BC052234 AAH52234 EU831500 ACE86419 XM_011511928 XP_011510230 XM_011511929 XP_011510231 XM_011511930 XP_011510232 NM_025216 NP_079492
Function Ligand for members of the frizzled family of seven transmembrane receptors. Probable developmental protein. May be a signaling molecule important in CNS development. Is likely to signal over only few cell diameters.
Subcellular Location Secreted, extracellular space, extracellular matrix.
Top Pathways Proteoglycans in cancer, Wnt signaling pathway, Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells, Hippo signaling pathway, HTLV-I infection

WNT10A overexpression lysate - LY403062 from Acris Antibodies

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $280.00
Sizes 100 µg

WNT10A 293 Cell Lysate - 402666 from ABBIOTEC

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $392.00
Sizes 100 µg

Wnt-10a Overexpression Lysate (Native) - NBL1-17861 from Novus Biologicals

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $329.00
Sizes 100 µg
Western Blot: Wnt10a Overexpression Lysate (Adult Normal) [NBL1-17861] Left-Empty vector transfected control cell lysate (HEK293 cell lysate); Right -Over-expression Lysate for Wnt10a.

WNT10A Over-expression Lysate Product - GWB-108AD8 from Genway Biotech

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $346.00
Sizes 100 µg
Species Human

Panoply™ Human WNT10A Knockdown Stable Cell Line - CSC-DC017512 from Creative biogene

Category Cell Line
Species Human
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