Gene Symbol DNASE1L3
Entrez Gene 1776
Alt Symbol DHP2, DNAS1L3, LSD, SLEB16
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description deoxyribonuclease I-like 3
Other Description DNase I homolog protein 2|DNase I homolog protein DHP2|DNase I-like 3|DNase gamma|LS-DNase|Liver and spleen DNase|deoxyribonuclease I-like III|deoxyribonuclease gamma
Swissprots B2R8B1 Q13609 O75803 B7Z707
Accessions EAW65358 EAW65359 Q13609 AB209613 BAD92850 AF047354 AAC35752 AI591302 AI660448 AK131323 BAG54766 AK301263 BAH13443 AK313303 BAG36108 BC015831 AAH15831 BI521582 BI834035 DB164811 DQ892850 ABM83776 DQ896097 ABM87096 U56814 AAB63967 NM_001256560 NP_001243489 NM_004944 NP_004935
Function Has DNA hydrolytic activity. Does not bind to actin. Cleaves chromatin DNA to nucleosomal units.
Subcellular Location Nucleus. Note=May first pass through the ER membrane before being imported in the nucleus.
Tissue Specificity Liver and spleen.

Human DNase gamma full length protein - ab132903 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ
Species Human

Human DNase gamma protein fragment - ab116991 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ
Species Human
12.5% SDS-PAGE showing ab116991 at approx. 36.63kDa. Stained with Coomassie Blue.

LSD / DNASE1L3 Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E2785 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

LSD / DNASE1L3 Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E22537 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

Recombinant Human DNASE1L3 Protein - H00001776-P01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $250.00
Sizes 2 µg
Source Wheat Germ
Species Human

Recombinant Human DNASE1L3 Protein - H00001776-Q01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $250.00
Sizes 2 µg
Source Wheat Germ
Species Human

DNASE1L3-Antibody-N-term-Blocking-peptide - BP13885a from Abgent, a WuXi AppTec company

Category Peptide
Prices $80.00
Sizes 100 µg

DNASE1L3 Blocking Peptide - 33R-1936 from Fitzgerald

Category Peptide
Prices $130.00
Sizes 100 µg

Deoxyribonuclease gamma - H00001776-P01-10 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $380.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

Deoxyribonuclease gamma - H00001776-P01-25 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Species Human

Deoxyribonuclease gamma - H00001776-Q01-10 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $380.00
Sizes 10 µg
Source in vitro transl.
Species Human

Deoxyribonuclease gamma - H00001776-Q01-25 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $500.00
Sizes 25 µg
Source in vitro transl.
Species Human

DNASE1L3 fusion protein - Ag1873 from Proteintech Group

Category Protein
Prices $199.00
Sizes 50 μg
Source E. coli -derived, PGEX-4T
Species Human

Recombinant Human DNASE1L3 - DNASE1L3-26157TH from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ
Species Human

Recombinant Human DNASE1L3, GST-tagged - DNASE1L3-12097H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Human

Recombinant Human Deoxyribonuclease I-like 3 - DNASE1L3-622H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source E. coli.

Recombinant Deoxyribonuclease I Like Protein 3 (DNASE1L3) - RPL441Mu01 from Uscn Life Science Inc.

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Mouse

Recombinant Deoxyribonuclease I Like Protein 3 (DNASE1L3) - RPL441Mu02 from Uscn Life Science Inc.

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Mouse

Recombinant Human Deoxyribonuclease gamma(DNASE1L3) - CSB-YP621686HU CSB-EP621686HU CSB-BP621686HU CSB-MP621686HU from Cusabio

Category Protein
Source Yeast or E.coli or Baculovirus or Mammalian cell
Species Human

Recombinant Homo sapiens (Human) Deoxyribonuclease gamma - CSB-EP621686HU from Cusabio

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Human

DNASE1L3 Protein - NBP1-85000PEP from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $209.00
Sizes 100 µl
Species Human

DNASE1L3 Peptide, Human - M34GP04450H from Creative Peptides

Category Peptide
Source Synthetic.
Species Human

DNASE1L3 Recombinant Protein (OPCA03343) - OPCA03343 from Aviva Systems Biology

Category Protein
Prices $365.00
Sizes 50 µg
Source Human

Human DNASE1L3 protein - orb358592 from Biorbyt

Category Protein
Prices $306.00, $383.00, $944.00, $1,564.00, $2,474.00
Sizes 10 μg, 50 μg, 200 μg, 500 μg, 1 mg
Species Human

Recombinant Human Deoxyribonuclease gamma(DNASE1L3) - AP74315 from Signalway Antibody

Category Protein
Prices $155.00, $390.00, $665.00, $1,090.00, $1,835.00, $2,915.00
Sizes 10 µg, 50 µg, 100 µg, 200 µg, 500 µg, 1 mg
Source E.coli
Species Human
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