Gene Symbol ACTL7A
Entrez Gene 10881
Alt Symbol -
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description actin-like 7A
Other Description actin-like 7-alpha|actin-like protein 7A|actin-like-7-alpha
Swissprots Q9Y615 Q5JSV0 B2RC83
Accessions AAD44109 BAF41971 CBH19186 EAW59026 Q9Y615 AK314981 BAG37480 BC014610 AAH14610 HY010941 HY195619 NM_006687 NP_006678
Subcellular Location Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton {ECO:0000250}. Golgi apparatus {ECO:0000250}. Cytoplasm {ECO:0000250}. Nucleus {ECO:0000250}. Note=Detected at the Golgi apparatus during acrosome biogenesis. Detected at the subacrosomal layer in round spermatids. Detected in sperm head and tail (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Tissue Specificity Strongly expressed in testis. Also expressed in other tissues. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:10373328}.

Human-ACTL7A-cDNA-Clone - DC03906 from Abgent, a WuXi AppTec company

Prices $587.25
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human
Accession BC014610

ACTL7A - MBS1267110 from MyBioSource

Prices $175.00
Sizes 10ug plasmid + 200ul glycerol stock
Species Human
Accession BC014610

Human ACTL7A cDNA clone(NM_006687.2) - CDFH000255 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_006687.2

Human ACTL7A ORF Clone(NM_006687.2) - CDCR293491 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_006687.2

Human ACTL7A ORF Clone(NM_006687.2) - CDCR293492 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_006687.2

Human ACTL7A ORF Clone(NM_006687.2) - CDCR293493 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_006687.2

Human ACTL7A ORF Clone(NM_006687.2) - CDCL153039 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_006687.2

Human ACTL7A ORF clone (NM_006687.2) - CDCR024196 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human ACTL7A ORF Clone (BC014610) - CDCS412862 from Creative biogene

Species Human
Accession Q9Y615

Human ACTL7A ORF clone (BC014610) - CDCB158799 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human ACTL7A cDNA Clone(NM_006687.2) - CDFH000255 from Creative biogene

Species Human
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