Gene Symbol DLX3
Entrez Gene 1747
Alt Symbol AI4, TDO
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description distal-less homeobox 3
Other Description homeobox protein DLX-3
Swissprots B3KQL6 O60479
Accessions AAC14397 AAL99504 CAF86895 EAW94650 O60479 AA604314 AK075167 BAG52078 AK313257 BAG36067 BC012361 AAH12361 BC028970 AAH28970 BM982262 CB990401 DQ892225 ABM83151 DQ895425 ABM86351 XM_011524458 XP_011522760 NM_005220 NP_005211
Function Likely to play a regulatory role in the development of the ventral forebrain. May play a role in craniofacial patterning and morphogenesis.
Subcellular Location Nucleus {ECO:0000255|PROSITE- ProRule:PRU00108}.

Human DLX3 full length protein - ab114709 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ
Species Human
12.5% SDS-PAGE showing ab114709 at approximately 57.31kDa stained with Coomassie Blue.

Human DLX3 protein fragment - ab174407 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source E. coli
Species Human
15% SDS-PAGE analysis of ab174407 at 3μg.

DLX3 Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E11259 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

DLX3 Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E11044 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

DLX3 Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E13882 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

DLX3 Recombinant Protein - H00001747-P01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $319.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

Recombinant Human DLX3 Protein - H00001747-P02 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $529.00
Sizes 25 µg
Source Wheat Germ
Species Human

Recombinant Human DLX3 Protein - NBP2-23004 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $269.00
Sizes 100 µg
Source E.coli
Species Human
SDS-Page: DLX3 Protein [NBP2-23004]

DLX3 Protein Lysate (APL10220) - APL10220 from Aviva Systems Biology

Category Protein
Prices $219.00
Sizes 200 µg

DLX3 protein (His tag) - 80R-3615 from Fitzgerald

Category Protein
Prices $275.00
Sizes 100 µg
Source E.coli

DLX3 (His-tag) - AR51302PU-N from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $790.00
Sizes 500 µg
Source E. coli
Species Human

DLX3 (His-tag) - AR51302PU-S from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $340.00
Sizes 100 µg
Source E. coli
Species Human

DLX3 - H00001747-P01-02 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $310.00
Sizes 2 µg
Source in vitro transl.
Species Human

DLX3 - H00001747-P02 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $370.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

DLX3 - H00001747-P02-10 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $380.00
Sizes 10 µg
Source in vitro transl.
Species Human

DLX3 - H00001747-P02-25 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $500.00
Sizes 25 µg
Source in vitro transl.
Species Human

DLX3, 1- 186aa, Human, His tag, E.coli - 01-P2482 from ARP American Research Products

Category Protein
Prices $179.00, $369.00, $849.00
Sizes 20 µg, 100 µg, 500 µg
Species Human

DLX3 fusion protein - ag3865 from Proteintech Group

Category Protein
Source E. coli-derived, PGEX-4T
Species Human

Recombinant Human DLX3 - DLX3-26675TH from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ

Recombinant human DLX3, His-tagged - DLX3-2482H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Human

DLX3 Blocking Peptide - CBP3900 from Cohesion Biosciences

Category Peptide
Prices $100.00, $300.00
Sizes 1 mg, 5 mg
Species Human, Mouse, Rat, Bovine, Dog, Pig, Sheep

Dlx-3 (D107) Peptide - BS1884P from Bioworld Technology

Category Peptide
Prices $158.00
Sizes 100 µl

Recombinant Human Homeobox protein DLX-3(DLX3) - CSB-YP006954HU CSB-EP006954HU CSB-BP006954HU CSB-MP006954HU from Cusabio

Category Protein
Source Yeast or E.coli or Baculovirus or Mammalian cell
Species Human

DLX3, 1- 186aa, Human, His tag, E.coli (Denatured) - ATGP2482 from ATGen

Category Protein
Prices $80.00, $240.00, $720.00
Sizes 20 µg, 100 µg, 500 µg
Species Human

DLX3 Protein - abx164252 from Abbexa

Category Protein
Species Human, Mouse, Rat
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