
HSP70 (Plant) StressXpress® ELISA Kit - SKT-124-480 from StressMarq Bioscience

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $2,737.00
Sizes 5 x 96-well
Sensitivity 0.18 ng/mL
Range 1.563-100 ng/mL
Plant HSP70 ELISA Kit

HSP70 - MBS806867 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $820.00
Sizes 1x96 wells
Sensitivity The calculated sensitivity of the Hsp70 ELISA is 0.18 ng/mL.
Range 1.563-100 ng/mL

HSP70 - MBS806868 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $3,060.00
Sizes 5x96 wells
Sensitivity 0.18 ng/mL
Range 1.563-100 ng/mL
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