
Gene Symbol Nat8l
Entrez Gene 269642
Alt Symbol 1110038O08Rik, Shati
Species Mouse
Gene Type protein-coding
Description N-acetyltransferase 8-like
Other Description N-acetylaspartate synthetase|N-acetyltransferase 8-like protein|NAA synthetase|protein Shati
Swissprots Q6DID6 Q8K065 Q3UH43 Q3UGX3
Accessions EDL37443 Q3UGX3 AK004167 AK147307 BAE27836 AK147594 BAE28014 AK147703 BAE28084 BC034068 AAH34068 BC075616 AAH75616 DQ174094 ABA54615 NM_001001985 NP_001001985
Function Plays a role in the regulation of lipogenesis by producing N-acetylaspartate acid (NAA), a brain-specific metabolite. NAA occurs in high concentration in brain and its hydrolysis plays a significant part in the maintenance of intact white matter. Promotes dopamine uptake by regulating TNF-alpha expression. Attenuates methamphetamine-induced inhibition of dopamine uptake. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:19014384, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19807691, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385109, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20643647}.
Subcellular Location Cytoplasm {ECO:0000250}. Membrane {ECO:0000305}; Single-pass membrane protein {ECO:0000305}. Microsome membrane {ECO:0000250}; Single-pass membrane protein {ECO:0000250}. Mitochondrion membrane {ECO:0000250}; Single-pass membrane protein {ECO:0000250}. Rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane; Single-pass membrane protein.
Tissue Specificity Expressed in brain, kidney, liver and spleen. In brain, present in neurons but not in astrocytes (at protein level). Expressed in brain, thymus and spleen. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17626222, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19807691, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385109}.
Top Pathways Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism

N-acetylaspartate synthetase, Nat8l, Mouse, ELISA Kit - E4070m from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $660.00
Sizes 96 t

N-acetyltransferase 8-like (GCN5-related, putative) , ELISA Kit - MBS2602929 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $290.00, $450.00, $1,755.00, $3,150.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Mouse N-acetylaspartate synthetase ELISA Kit - abx255122 from Abbexa

Category ELISA Kit
Range 0.156 ng/ml - 10 ng/ml

Mouse N-acetylaspartate synthetase ELISA Kit - EKE54505 from Biomatik

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $759.00, $3,225.75, $6,072.00
Sizes 96 t, 5x96t, 10x96t
Range 0.156-10 ng/ml

Nat8l - EKM1548 from Nordic BioSite

Sensitivity 0.094ng/ml
Range 0.156-10ng/ml

Mouse Nat8l ELISA Kit - E060950 from Biobool

Category ELISA Kit

NAT8L ELISA Kit (Mouse) (OKEH03540) - OKEH03540 from Aviva Systems Biology

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $455.00
Sizes 96 wells
Sensitivity 0.078 ng/mL
Range 0.156 - 10 ng/mL

Mouse N-acetylaspartate synthetase ELISA Kit - EK4624 from Signalway Antibody

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $659.00
Sizes 1x96t
Range 0.156-10 ng/mL

N-acetylaspartate synthetase, ELISA Kit - MBS2880775 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $430.00, $570.00, $2,515.00, $4,520.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells
Range 0.156-10 ng/ml

N-acetylaspartate synthetase, ELISA Kit - MBS9428450 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $605.00
Sizes 96 tests
Range 0.156-10 ng/mL
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