
Gene Symbol Mapkap1
Entrez Gene 296648
Alt Symbol -
Species Rat
Gene Type protein-coding
Description mitogen-activated protein kinase associated protein 1
Other Description SAPK-interacting protein 1|TORC2 subunit MAPKAP1|mitogen-activated protein kinase 2-associated protein 1|stress-activated map kinase-interacting protein 1|target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit MAPKAP1
Swissprots Q6AYF1
Accessions Q6AYF1 BC079073 AAH79073 XM_006233949 XP_006234011 XM_006233950 XP_006234012 XM_008761720 XP_008759942 XM_008761721 XP_008759943 XM_008761722 XP_008759944 XM_008761723 XP_008759945 NM_001011964 NP_001011964
Function Subunit of mTORC2, which regulates cell growth and survival in response to hormonal signals. mTORC2 is activated by growth factors, but, in contrast to mTORC1, seems to be nutrient- insensitive. mTORC2 seems to function upstream of Rho GTPases to regulate the actin cytoskeleton, probably by activating one or more Rho-type guanine nucleotide exchange factors. mTORC2 promotes the serum-induced formation of stress-fibers or F-actin. mTORC2 plays a critical role in AKT1 'Ser-473' phosphorylation, which may facilitate the phosphorylation of the activation loop of AKT1 on 'Thr-308' by PDK1 which is a prerequisite for full activation. mTORC2 regulates the phosphorylation of SGK1 at 'Ser-421'. mTORC2 also modulates the phosphorylation of PRKCA on 'Ser-657'. Within mTORC2, MAPKAP1 is required for complex formation and mTORC2 kinase activity. MAPKAP1 inhibits MAP3K2 by preventing its dimerization and autophosphorylation. Inhibits HRAS and KRAS signaling. Enhances osmotic stress-induced phosphory
Subcellular Location Cell membrane {ECO:0000250}; Peripheral membrane protein {ECO:0000250}. Cytoplasmic vesicle {ECO:0000250}. Nucleus {ECO:0000250}.

MAPKAP1 antibody - orb32237 from Biorbyt

Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Clone $155
Western blot analysis of MAPKAP1 antibody in MCF-7 cell line lysates
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