ChIP Chromatin immunoprecipitation

Anti-5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) antibody [AB3/63.3] - ab106918 from Abcam

Prices $385.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rat
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone AB3/63.3
Dot blot assay shows that ab106918 specifically recognized 5-hydroxymethyl Cytidine (hmC). Indicated amounts of hmC, methyl Cytidine (mC) and Cytidine (C) were spotted onto a membrane that was then incubated with ab106918. hmC, mC and C were generated in the following way: M13mp18 DNA had been amplified using primers F and R; F: atttccatgagcgtttttcc R: gcaaggcaaagaattagcaa. A 200 uM dNTP end concentration was used with 1. A,G,C,T and 2. A,G,hmC,T; where C had been replaced with HmdCTP. DNA was in vitro methylated with SssI and SAM, and 2ul of pmol of each base was denatured at 95C for 5 min and spotted and dried onto the membrane. The dot blot membrane was blocked with 10%skimmed milk + 1%BSA blocking overnight and then incubated with ab106918 at 1:500 in blocking solution. A goat anti rat HRP secondary antibody was used for ECL detection. This image is from an anonymous collaborator.

Anti-5-methylcytosine (5-mC) antibody [33D3] - ab10805 from Abcam

Prices $397.00
Sizes 50 µg
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone 33D3
ab10805 staining 5-Methyl Cytidine in pig embryo (15 to 17 days) tissue section by Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections). Tissue underwent fixation in paraformaldehyde, heat mediated antigen retrieval in Tris-EDTA buffer, permeabilization in Triton X-100 and blocking in 2% BSA for 10 minutes at 25°C. The primary antibody was diluted, 1/100 (PBS + 2% BSA) and incubated with sample for 1 hour at 25°C. An Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugated donkey polyclonal to mouse at 1/250 dilution, was used as secondary.See Abreview

Anti-6X His tag® antibody - ChIP Grade - ab9108 from Abcam

Prices $403.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
A stably transfected 293T human cell line harbouring the GAL4 upstream activation sequence was transiently transfected with a Myc or His - tagged GAL4 DNA Binding Domain construct. 48 hours post transfection Chromatin was prepared according to the Abcam X-ChIP protocol. The ChIP was performed with 25 ug chromatin, 5ug of antibody and 20 ul of Protein A/G beads. A non-specific antibody was used as the negative control. The immunoprecipitated DNA was quantified by real time PCR (SYBR Green approach).

Anti-6X His tag® antibody - ChIP Grade - ab134023 from Abcam

Prices $370.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Chicken
Clonality Polyclonal

Anti-acetyl Lysine antibody [1C6] - ChIP Grade - ab22550 from Abcam

Prices $388.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone 1C6
ICC/IF image of ab22550 stained MCF7 cells. The cells were 4% formaldehye fixed (10 min) and then incubated in 1%BSA / 10% normal goat serum / 0.3M glycine in 0.1% PBS-Tween for 1h to permeabilise the cells and block non-specific protein-protein interactions. The cells were then incubated with the antibody (ab22550, 5µg/ml) overnight at +4°C. The secondary antibody (green) was ab96879, DyLight® 488 goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) used at a 1/250 dilution for 1h. Alexa Fluor® 594 WGA was used to label plasma membranes (red) at a 1/200 dilution for 1h. DAPI was used to stain the cell nuclei (blue) at a concentration of 1.43µM.

Anti-acetyl Lysine antibody - ChIP Grade - ab21623 from Abcam

Prices $401.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Primary: All Lanes: Anti acetyl Lysine antibody (ab21623) at 1:1000. Lane 1: Marker. Lane 2: HeLa cells vehicle-treated (ab139414). Lane 3: HeLa cells, trichostatin A-treated (ab139414). Lysates at 20 ug/lane . Secondary: All Lanes: Goat anti-Rabbit IgG 1:10000. Performed under reducing conditions. Blocking buffer: 5% milk in PBS. Observed band sizes: 11 kDa 15kDa 45kDa 50 kDa.

Anti-Acetylated Lysine antibody [RM101] - ab190479 from Abcam

Prices $370.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone RM101
Lane 1: A431 whole cell lysateLane 2: A431 whole cell lysate (pretreated with Trichostatin A)Lane 3: A431 whole cell lysate immunoprecipitated with Rabbit IgGLane 4: A431 whole cell lysate (pretreated with Trichostatin A) immunoprecipitated with Rabbit IgGLane 5: A431 whole cell lysate immunoprecipitated with ab190479 at 1/500Lane 6: A431 whole cell lysate (pretreated with Trichostatin A) immunoprecipitated with ab190479 at 1/500 Western blot performed using anti-PTEN mouse monoclonal antibody.

Anti-Acetylated Proteins antibody - ChIP Grade - ab193 from Abcam

Prices $394.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Chromatin was prepared from Hela cells according to the Abcam X-ChIP protocol. Cells were fixed with formaldehyde for 10min. The ChIP was performed with 25µg of chromatin, 5µl of  ab193 (blue), and 20µl of Protein A/G sepharose beads. No antibody was added to the beads control (yellow). The immunoprecipitated DNA was quantified by real time PCR (Taqman approach). Primers and probes are located in the first kb of the transcribed region.     

Anti-Ago2 / eIF2C2 antibody - ChIP Grade - ab32381 from Abcam

Prices $401.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
All lanes : Anti-Ago2 / eIF2C2 antibody - ChIP Grade (ab32381) at 2 µg/mlLane 1 : HeLa (Human epithelial carcinoma cell line) Whole Cell LysateLane 2 : Jurkat (Human T cell lymphoblast-like cell line) Whole Cell Lysate (ab7899)Lane 3 : HeLa (Human epithelial carcinoma cell line) Nuclear LysateLysates/proteins at 20 µg per lane.SecondaryIRDye 680 Conjugated Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) at 1/10000 dilutionPerformed under reducing conditions.

Anti-Ago2 / eIF2C2 antibody - ChIP Grade - ab57113 from Abcam

Prices $401.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
Ago2 / eIF2C2 antibody (ab57113) used in immunofluorescence at 10ug/ml on HeLa cells.

Anti-AICDA antibody - ChIP Grade - ab59361 from Abcam

Prices $390.00
Sizes 50 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
All lanes : Anti-AICDA antibody - ChIP Grade (ab59361) at 2 µg/mlLane 1 : Ramos cell lysate Lane 2 : Ramos cell lysate with immunizing peptideLysates/proteins at 15 µg per lane.

Anti-AICDA antibody - ChIP Grade - ab5197 from Abcam

Prices $378.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Anti-AICDA antibody - ChIP Grade (ab5197) at 1 µg/ml + AICDA 293T Cell Transient Overexpression Lysate at 10 µgSecondaryGoat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP) preadsorbed (ab97080) at 1/5000 dilution

Anti-AIRE antibody - ChIP Grade - ab13573 from Abcam

Prices $385.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Goat
Clonality Polyclonal
ab13573 (2µg/ml) staining of paraffin embedded Human Thymus shows staining of select nuclei following steamed antigen retrieval with Tris/EDTA buffer pH 9 and HRP-staining.

Anti-AKT2 antibody [4H7] - ChIP Grade - ab175354 from Abcam

Prices $387.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone 4H7
Immunofluorescent analysis of AKT2 (green) showing staining in the cytoplasm and nucleus of C2C12 cells (right) compared to a negative control without primary antibody (left). Formalin-fixed cells were permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 in TBS for 5-10 minutes and blocked with 3% BSA-PBS for 30 minutes at room temperature. Cells were probed with an AKT2 monoclonal antibody (ab175354) in 3% BSA-PBS at a dilution of 1:20 and incubated overnight at 4 ºC in a humidified chamber. Cells were washed with PBST and incubated with a DyLight-conjugated secondary antibody in PBS at room temperature in the dark. F-actin (red) was stained with a flourescent red phalloidin and nuclei (blue) were stained with Hoechst or DAPI. Images were taken at a magnification of 60x.

Anti-alpha Tubulin antibody [RM113] - C-terminal - ab190471 from Abcam

Prices $379.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone RM113
Immunofluorescent analysis of A431 cells labeling alpha Tubulin with ab190471 at 1/200 dilution, followed by a PE conjugated secondary antibody (red). Counterstained with DAPI (blue).

Anti-Androgen Receptor antibody [ER179(2)] - ab108341 from Abcam

Prices $392.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone ER179(2)
ab108341, at 1/100, staining Androgen Receptor in LnCaP cells by Immunofluorescence.

Anti-Androgen Receptor antibody - ChIP Grade - ab74272 from Abcam

Prices $401.00
Sizes 1 ml
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
ab74272 staining Androgen Receptor in Mouse neuroblastoma cells by Immunocytochemistry/Immunoflourescence. Cells were fixed in formaldehyde and permeabilized in 0.2% Triton X-100 prior to blocking in 3% BSA for 1 hour. The primary antibody was diluted 1/200 and incubated with the sample for 12 hours at 4°C. The secondary antibody was Alexa Fluor® 594-conjugated Goat anti-Rabbit polyclonal, diluted 1/400.See Abreview

Anti-Androgen Receptor antibody - ChIP Grade - ab3509 from Abcam

Prices $381.00
Sizes 200 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Immunohistochemistry (Formaline/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections) analysis of human prostate tissue labeling Androgen Receptor with ab3509 at 1/20 (right). Antigen retrieval was performed using 10mM sodium citrate (pH 6.0), microwaved for 8-15 minutes. Tissues were blocked in 3% H2O2-methanol for 15 minutes at room temperature. A HRP-conjugated secondary antibody was used. Left - negative control.

Anti-AP2 alpha antibody - ChIP Grade - ab52222 from Abcam

Prices $400.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
All lanes : Anti-AP2 alpha antibody - ChIP Grade (ab52222) at 1/500 dilutionLane 1 : extracts from COLO205 cells,Lane 2 : extracts from COLO205 cells, with immunizing peptide

Anti-APE1 antibody [13B8E5C2] - ChIP Grade - ab194 from Abcam

Prices $395.00
Sizes 50 µl
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone 13B8E5C2
ab194 staining cultured human HeLa cells by ICC/IF.  Cells were PFA fixed and permeabilized in 0.5% Triton X100 prior to blocking in 5% BSA for 1 hour at 20°C.  The primary antibody was diluted 1/200 and incubated with the sample for 1 hour at 20°C.  A Cy3® conjugated donkey anti-mouse antibody diluted was used as the secondary.See Abreview

Anti-APH1a antibody - ChIP Grade - ab19390 from Abcam

Prices $370.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal

Anti-Arp5 antibody - ab12099 from Abcam

Prices $385.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Anti-Arp5 antibody (ab12099) + S.cerevisiae lysateSecondaryAlexa Fluor Goat polyclonal to Rabbit IgG at 1/10000 dilution

Anti-Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor antibody [RPT1] - ChIP Grade - ab2770 from Abcam

Prices $394.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone RPT1
Immunofluorescent analysis of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in NIH-3T3 cells. Cells were grown on chamber slides and fixed with formaldehyde prior to staining. Cells were probed without (control, right) or with a Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor monoclonal antibody (ab2770, left) at a dilution of 1:200 overnight at 4 C and incubated with a DyLight-488 conjugated secondary antibody. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor staining (green) F-Actin staining with Phalloidin (red) and nuclei with DAPI (blue) is shown. Images were taken at 60X magnification.

Anti-Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor antibody [RPT9] - ChIP Grade - ab2769 from Abcam

Prices $395.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone RPT9
Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence analysis of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor shows staining in A2058 cells. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (green), F-Actin staining with Phalloidin (red) and nuclei with DAPI (blue) is shown. Cells were grown on chamber slides and fixed with formaldehyde prior to staining. Cells were incubated without (control) or with ab2769 (1:20) overnight at 4°C, washed with PBS and incubated with a DyLight-488 conjugated secondary antibody. Images were taken at 60X magnification.

Anti-ATF-4 antibody - ChIP Grade - ab85049 from Abcam

Prices $378.00
Sizes 200 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
ChIP analysis using ab85049 binding ATF-4 in human macrophages. Samples were incubated with undiluted primary antibody for 12 hours at 4°C. Protein binding was detected using real-time PCR.Negative Control: Normal rabbit IgG.See Abreview
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